NHS Orthodontics ยป

Fixed in Dagenham

Fixed Braces are used to correct crooked teeth under the supervision of an Orthodontist. They are individually fixed to the teeth with a special glue and should not be attempted to be removed by the patient. This type of brace is used when the teeth are very crooked.

It is really important that while wearing a fixed brace that every effort is made to avoid damaging the brace, teeth or gums. This will ensure that orthodontic treatment gives the best results in the shortest time possible.

It is not uncommon for a brace to cause some discomfort for a few days after its initial placement and for a similar period after adjustments made during later appointments. If, however, any part of the brace becomes loose or causes significant discomfort the practice should be contacted as soon as possible.

Looking After Your Fixed Brace


  • Sticky foods such as toffees, chewing gum, etc
  • Hard foods such as boiled sweets, nuts, etc. Crunchy foods such as apples and carrots should be cut into small pieces
  • Fizzy drinks and concentrated fruit juices
  • Sweet snacks and drinks, especially between meals
  • Also, habits such as biting nails and chewing pen tops should be stopped

If you play contact sports its ideal to have a mouth guard fitted. Damage to the brace can cause discomfort and will slow don't the treatment process.

Click here to find out more about your Fixed Brace

Dentists Dagenham - Chadwell Heath Orthodontic Practice